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Quick Start


yarn add fuzzy-ui

Import what you need:


<script setup>
import { FUIButton } from 'fuzzy-ui'

Why Fuzzy UI?

There are plenty of other options available. Why would you use Fuzzy UI?

I always ended up writing a new button component for some project from the ground up because other component libraries didn't give me the freedom I needed or lagged functionality. And if I ended up using any component from a lib, it would include loads of code of the lib even though I wasnt using it. This also increased build times. Transpiling 7000 components is no joke.

This lib aims to solve this problems by giving you the bare bone functionality you always need and lets you style it to your needs. It also makes sure, that no other dependencies are pulled in and you get ONLY what you imported.


  <FUIButton @click="longRunning">Click Me</FUIButton>

<script setup>
import { FUIButton } from 'fuzzy-ui'
const longRunning = () => {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(resolve, 1000)

:root {
  --fuzzy-ui-button-background-color: #0070f3;
  --fuzzy-ui-button-hover-background-color: #0060e9;
  --fuzzy-ui-button-active-background-color: #0050d7;
  --fuzzy-ui-button-disabled-background-color: #66aeff;
  --fuzzy-ui-button-border-color: #7ebaff;
  --fuzzy-ui-button-active-color: #bcbcbc;
  --fuzzy-ui-button-color: #fff;
  --fuzzy-ui-button-font-size: 5rem;

Which would result in a filled button:


  <FUITable :data="data" show-all>
    <FUIColumn header="Name" sortable editable fixed="left" width="100" />
    <FUIColumn header="Age" sortable editable width="200" />
    <FUIColumn header="Email" sortable editable width="200" />
    <FUIColumn header="Phone" sortable editable width="200" />
      header="Date of Birth"
    <FUIColumn header="Status" fixed="right" :options="statusOptions" editable width="200" />

<script setup>
import { FUITable, FUIColumn } from '../src/index'
import { ref } from 'vue'

const toDate = row => {
  return row.dateOfBirth.split('.').reverse().join('-')

const fromDate = (row, value) => {
  return (row.dateOfBirth = value.split('-').reverse().join('.'))

const data = ref([
    name: 'John Doe',
    age: '25',
    email: '',
    phone: '+49 123456789',
    dateOfBirth: '01.01.2000',
    status: 'active',
    name: 'Jane Doe',
    age: '24',
    email: '',
    phone: '+49 987654321',
    dateOfBirth: '12.12.2003',
    status: 'inactive',
    name: 'David Smith',
    age: '23',
    email: '',
    phone: '+49 987654321',
    dateOfBirth: '03.05.2012',
    status: '', // show placeholder

const statusOptions = [
    value: 'active',
    label: 'Active',
    value: 'inactive',
    label: 'Inactive',
Date of Birth


On some occasions you want to mount an element outside of the usual Vue app. This is useful for example when you want to open a modal programatically without the need to put it in the template and use Teleport.

useMountOutsidec() gives you the ability to do so. It returns an function that mounts the specified component and returns an object with the component and an unmount function.

useMountOutside takes 2 additional optional arguments:

  • props - an object with props that will be passed to the component
  • children - an array of children that will be passed to the component

The mounting function can take an additional argument which will be passed to the component as additional props.

    <button @click="openModal">Open Modal</button>

<script setup>
import { useMountOutsidec } from '../src/index'
import Modal from './Modal.vue'

const mountComponent = useMountOutsidec(Modal, props, children)

const openModal = () => {
  const { component, unmoun } = mountComponent(extraProps)
  // do something with the component

Released under the MIT License.